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From the Pastor:

There will be a special “second collection” on the 2nd weekend of each month to allow anyone and everyone to participate in providing the new statue of our parish patron, Saint Michael, for our Church.  The carving will be created in Italy and will be positioned in the area to the right of the Tabernacle as a Shrine to Saint Michael.  Thank you in advance for your combined generosity to this project. It is our plan that the shrine will be in place by our Feast Day on September 29, when Bishop Bonnar will be with us.  We will bless and dedicate the new shrine at the 11:30am Mass that day, followed by our annual parish picnic. The Gallery Window Project should be completed by then as well and will likewise be blessed by the bishop.  Make sure to mark your calendars for this great day,


CAUTION: Our Youth Faith Formation Classes are scheduled on Sundays from 10:05-11:20 am. All classes will meet in the Family Life Center. This should help some of the parking lot traffic concerns. We ask that everyone be patient and careful in the parking lots as parishioners adjust to the children returning to classes.

Bible study


As announced last weekend, Bishop Bonnar has asked that I assume the temporary role of Administrator of the newly merged Saint Pope John XXIII Parish in Niles (the former Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Stephen Parishes).  This is in addition to my responsibilities as Pastor of Saint Michael Parish, Canfield; Vicar for Missionary Discipleship; Diocesan Director of the Office of Development and Stewardship; and Diocesan Director of the Office of Communications.  Father Bala Marneni will assist in the sacramental ministry of the parish while I will attend to the administration of the parish, along with an occasional weekend (possibly monthly).  Thank you for your understanding during this time.  It should be no great disruption to our schedule or activities here at Saint Michael.


Many know that unfortunately there are no longer any Parish-sponsored Scout Troops here at Saint Michael.  I know there has been a long-standing tradition of scouting here and I know I have been held responsible for the change.  I want to include a letter received by all parishes and schools formerly associated with scout troops.  This statement is from our diocesan attorneys

“As you may be aware, the Diocese has had concerns about liability arising out of Boy Scout Troops and other Scouting organizations regularly conducting activities on Parish and other Diocesan properties.  The Diocese has spent over a year working with the Boy Scouts of America, which will be known as Scouting America next year, but the parties were not able to reach an agreement that would have provided an acceptable level of protection.  Therefore, the Diocese has determined that its parishes and school facilities will no longer be made available to Scouting Units (Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies, etc.) for meetings or activities, and parish and school officials will not serve as charter organizations for Scouting Units in their official capacities.  This decision is based on liability exposure and potential conflict with Catholic teaching.”


It is in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, one the of the documents produced by the Second Vatican Council, that we hear the often-quoted phrase of “fully conscious and active participation in the celebration of the Mass.”  The full, active participation at the Eucharistic liturgy involves conscious presence, praying, singing, and acting in union with the whole assembly.  While the entire assembly is called to offer their praise in song, there is a great need for them to be led.  We are very happy to have the talents of Kathy Garchar as our music director (with wonderful instrumental and vocal skills).  We are looking to establish a choir to assist in leading the entire congregation in singing.  While the greatest desire would be to have the same level of music at all three Masses (I always find it odd that one of the three would be exalted in some way), we are aware that this is most likely not possible.  As this is all in the early discussions, we are simply at this time asking anyone who is interested in uniting their singing abilities to lead everyone else to sing as well to contact the parish office.  Please do so by September 4.  At that time, we will schedule a session to discuss the scope and parameters of the new choir.  


The Men’s Club will have its Annual Steer and Ear Steak Dinner on Thursday evening, September 12 at 6:00pm in Saint Michael Parish Hall. All club members and their spouses are invited along with spouses of deceased members as well as those interested in joining the Men’s Club. The cost of the dinner is $20 per person and BYOB. To secure your reservation, send a check made out to Saint Michael Parish, and mail to:

Saint Michael Parish Men’s Club

300 North Broad Street

Canfield, Ohio 44406

Checks can also be dropped off at the Parish Office during regular business hours. The deadline for reservations is Tuesday, September 10 by 4:00pm. As always, expect great food, conversation, and fellowship!!!


Faith sharing about the Holy Spirit will begin September 12 in the Family Life Center from 1:00pm–3:00pm and will take place monthly until May. Facilitated by Barb Spencer, this adult faith formation program will be a combination of exploring the role of the Holy Spirit in the Bible as well as within our own life along with guided questions to reflect upon. We will use the text The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts by Stephen Binz, which will need to be purchased prior to the September session.
If you are interested, or need more information, please phone Barb ASAP (330-503-4756). Please note that you are to prepare at home with guided material from Barb/text prior to each session.


The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for adults will be held on Sunday, November 24, at 4:00pm at Saint Columba Cathedral.  This is a special opportunity for anyone (age 18 or older) who has not received the sacrament to join with other adults of the diocese. Candidates must register with our parish and be eligible to receive the sacrament by verifying baptism and marital status.  A preparation program will be held at our parish.  Sponsors must be a baptized, confirmed, practicing Catholic and may not be the candidate’s parent. Please contact the parish office (330-533-6839) no later than September 15 to register and verify eligibility to receive the sacrament.


WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION for 25th, 40th, 50th and over 

The Diocese of Youngstown is sponsoring a Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, October 27, at 2:00pm at the Basilica of Saint John the Baptist in Canton, honoring couples observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and over wedding anniversaries in 2024.

The Wedding Anniversary Celebration will include Mass with the Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, with the blessing of couples celebrating significant anniversaries.  Each couple will receive a personalized certificate.  Following the Mass, there will be a reception for the couples and their families in the parish hall. You must make advanced reservations for this event by contacting your parish office and obtaining your pastor’s signature before September 23.



We have re-instituted the distribution of the Precious Blood along with the Body of Christ at all our weekend Masses.  In preparation for this, and for a few other reasons, we will be making a few physical changes to the front portion of the Church.  The small section of pews in front of the Holy Family will be redesigned for those who are physically challenged. This space is closest to the accessible entrance and the accessible restrooms.  The section in the front will be restored with the extra pews we have on hand at this time.  We are in the process of obtaining a final quote for new pews and kneelers for the center sections of the Church.  Additionally, the small section of pews in front of the tabernacle will be removed to make ready for a small Saint Michael Shrine area to be dedicated on the Feast Day in September.  I realize that some people will be less than happy that they have been “displaced” from their seats, but we have more than enough room in the body of the Church for everyone.  Thank you in advance for your understanding.


Ongoing Events


​​A group gathers in the pews near the Holy Family Statues for an oral recitation of the rosary the 1st Saturday of the month at 3:15pm.  Please call Mary Ann Camardo (330-286-3432) for more information.​​


Please join us on Tuesday mornings (unless there is a funeral) at 11:00am in the church to say the Patriotic Rosary. For more information call Kate Pavlich (330-533-2432). Read more HERE.

FITNESS FUN is a safe one-hour total body exercise workout, which includes a warm-up, weight training, body conditioning and toning exercises, both standing and on the floor, low impact aerobics, and a cool down.   All exercises are choreographed to Christian and popular music of the present and the past.  The class meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 10:00am in the lower level of the Parish Hall.  Interested persons may join anytime. 

Please wear comfortable clothes, proper shoes, and bring a mat for floor work.


The Family Life Center Gymnasium is now open four days a week: Monday through Thursday, from 9:30am to 11:30am.  Parishioners are invited to come and walk for healthy exercise and companionship. Walkers are requested to stop in the open meeting room across from the restrooms to store their coats and change from outdoor boots and shoes to indoor athletic or walking shoes—required to protect the FLC floor. Now there is no need to go to the mall to exercise.  This is a great opportunity right here at home to walk your way to a healthy lifestyle. Please enter through the side door.



If you would like to schedule a meeting or event for any of our parish organizations, or schedule a rental anywhere in the Parish Hall, or Family Life Center, please contact Facilities Manager Audrey Geskey at 330-533-3181 or email:

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