Saint Michael Parish
Welcomes You
Soup Kitchen

Purpose: Individuals and families (children 8 and older) work one Saturday a month at the Saint Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen in Youngstown to prepare and serve breakfast to people in need.
After 39 years of dedication to our Soup Kitchen Ministry, Juanita Sherba has stepped down from her leadership role.
The Parish hopes to continue this ministry and Therese
Sprockett will be contacting all of the current volunteers to determine their willingness to continue. New volunteers are also being sought.
Volunteers are needed one Saturday every two months from
9:00 AM to 11:45 AM to help in the Soup Kitchen. Call Therese Sprockett at 330-881-1784 if you are interested.
But have you ever thought, “I want to help with the Saint Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen, but don’t have the time to give?” You can help with a monetary donation. We must pay each weekend for our required security protection on Saturday. Extra money can also go for extra food. Just mark a plain envelope “Saint Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen” and place it in the collection basket on Sunday. It’s a tangible way to be a part of this important work and we need your help.